Cuzin Sean and Big Moe are an up and coming group called, "Slice N Dice." Growing up in the East Bay, music was everything to them. When they first became friends, the two of them did not know that they will soon become inspired by music and from a rap group like no other. . The two listen too much of the same types of artists, which included many West Coast artists like:
Big Moe, also known as Dice in the group, started producing beats early in his teenage years. Ever since he was a little kid he would play the drums and knew from the start that he would some day have a audience to play in front of. Making beats that turn heads with its twisted and smoothing sound. Big Moe has done music with many known artist in the bay area:
Cuzin Sean, also known as Slice in the group, grew up in a music environment as will. With his cousin Showtime, who happen to live a few houses down, began his rapping career and Cuzin Sean was right there listen to ever song his cousin made. You can say that Showtime inspired Cuzin Sean to start rapping. With many of his cousins rapping around him like:
Now with the two joining forces, Cuzin Sean and Big Moe will soon hit the streets as Slice N Dice.